Vets using L2 vaccine
Vets still using the Lepto L2 vaccine.
There is a list of vets still offering Lepto 2 vaccine at the bottom of the page.
Does your vet still use the L2 vaccine rather than the L4 vaccine?
If your vet does not use Lepto 4 vaccine, please ask your vet to email with their contact details so that we can add them to the list of vets only using Lepto 2 vaccine.
I originally asked for dog owners to let me know if their vet still uses Lepto 2, but it came to light that whilst some vets were giving Lepto 2 on request, they were using Lepto 4 by default. So I'd prefer vets to contact me to confirm that they are only using Lepto 2 and not Lepto 4.
You should specifically ask for Lepto 2 at the following vets, and not just presume that it will be given by default.
This list is dated 2016.
No emails have been received for the last couple of years on vets using L2
Many thanks for your help