SAVSNET Research
Research into "Understanding how the healthcare of dogs and cats is managed by their owners and veterinary surgeons"
This research will continue to hold video conversations to gather data until after March 2023. Please support this, so how you feel about your et care, and your relathionship with your vets is recorded/
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The Small Animal Veterinary Surveillance Network (SAVSNET) is a joint project of University of Liverpool and the British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA).
SAVSNET are doing research into how we decide on the healthcare of our cats and dogs, and the vets side of this as well. This is an ideal opportunity for everyone to say why they do or do not vaccinate, titre test, etc.
The research will be Shona spending an hour talking to you, and recording that. This conversation can be video link, or face to face if you live near enough. So, Video call for me in Dorset.
Below are two SAVSNET files. SAVSNET 1 is the explanation letter. SAVSNET 2 is the consent form, but I'm guessing that they would take it if the form were copy and pasted into an email to Shona.
In memory of my Alfie, I would ask everyone on the group to partake in this research.
Information about BSAVA is here
About Petsavers
Information about Petsavers is here
Information about SAVSNET is here
The Information sheet on this research.
You need to read this before completing the consent form

The Consent form
You can either;
Print off and post the completed forms.
Photograph the completed forms and email them.
Scan the completed form and email them.
If necessary, you can email asking the team to send the form with a stamped return addressed envelope.